By Wealthview Capital | April 4, 2018
The first quarter of 2018 was a tale of two periods – January, which was great, followed by not so much.  In the wake of 2017, the market’s extraordinary gains paired with unprecedented low volatility, was almost too much to expect for it to continue into 2018, yet that is exactly what happened,...
By Wealthview Capital | February 20, 2018
One of the many changes incorporated into the new tax reform bill is an increase in the amount of money a person can give to anyone else and have it excluded from their lifetime estate tax exemption.  Starting in 2018 the gift allowance is $15,000, up from $14,000 in 2017.  ​​   Additionally, the...
By Wealthview Capital | February 5, 2018
Given the market’s recent activity many investors are wondering if this is simply a pause to refresh, or something more sinister.  Could this be the market rolling over into correction, or even worse, bear territory?  A correction is typically defined by a 10% drop in prices, whereas a bear market...
By Wealthview Capital | January 5, 2018
The momentum that began in the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential election continued unabated throughout 2017 making it a year to remember.  Record after record fell headlong in the face of an onslaught of solid domestic and global economic growth that lifted earnings, dividends, and stock...
By Wealthview Capital | December 11, 2017
As you are no doubt aware, tax reform is upon us. With the Senate’s version of the bill passing, it appears that most major roadblocks leading to tax reform have been cleared. However, as the bills currently passed by both the House and Senate vary in several ways, there are a few more steps...
By Wealthview Capital | October 4, 2017
The third quarter of 2017 continued an incredibly robust period for equities that many are currently ascribing to a Goldilocks type environment; not too hot, not too cold - just right. Economic growth is solid and may be gaining momentum, interest rates are still close to historical lows and...
