By Sam Taylor | February 28, 2017
Given the market’s run, now 96 months and counting since bottoming in March of 2009, many investors are beginning to wonder if this bull is getting long in the tooth and if it will soon run out of steam.  Those investors who patiently waited have been amply rewarded from the pains inflicted during...
By Wealthview Capital | January 25, 2017
As we travel life’s journey, we all have different goals and objectives but many of us share a common desire to gauge our progress along the way.  Are we ahead, behind or right on track of where we should be at any point in time? If you are like most people, you probably have multiple goals, and...
By Wealthview Capital | January 6, 2017
What an incredible year 2016 was in many ways.  It began abysmally with the stock market experiencing its worst sell-off since the 1929 Great Depression and ended the year blowing out new all-time highs in the aftermath of the Presidential election.  If there has ever been a case to avoid market...
By Sam Taylor | December 5, 2016
One of the many emotional battles investors fight is a form of buyer’s remorse when it comes to rationalizing their investment decisions.  Often, when analyzing their portfolios, and only when looking in a rearview mirror, many investors will engage in a process of self-recrimination.   There,...
By Sam Taylor | November 10, 2016
Now that the Presidential election is in the history books, we have received a few inquiries from people wanting to know if this would be a good time to invest.  Over the two and half weeks leading up to the election, the stock market sold off for nine consecutive days (the longest such streak in...
By Sam Taylor | October 19, 2016
There is an old saying in the investment business, “Be careful you don’t pick your flowers and water your weeds”.   This refers to some investors’ hair trigger eagerness to take profits but steadfast reluctance to sell any investment for a loss.  After all, you didn’t make the investment with the...
